Neue Schule Demi-Anky Universal


Offers control without discomfort or severity. Although single jointed, the NS Demi-Anky is ergonomically designed to eradicate the nutcracker action and consequent evasions that the traditional straight-armed single jointed snaffle often causes. It is brilliant for faster work such as jumping as you can turn much more easily. The Universal also helps to eliminate the head toss when asking for a downward transition, or shortening in between fences. If you need to upgrade from a snaffle, it is highly recommended as it offers varying degrees of control.

Product Code 8012U 8013U
Mouthpiece Thickness 16 mm 18 mm
Ring / Shank Size NA NA
Size Availability 127 ‰ۡÌÝÌÕ 152 mm 127 ‰ۡÌÝÌÕ 152 mm
5 ‰ۡÌÝÌÕ 6‰ۡÌÝ_ 5 ‰ۡÌÝÌÕ 6‰ۡÌÝ_
Dressage Legal N N
Other Info NA NA

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